Summary about n.


The prime factorization of 120 is 2^3, 3, and 5. In total, 120 has 16 factors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, and 120. Since this is more factors than any previous number, 120 is a highly composite number. All the factors including 120 add up to 360, which is 3*120, making it a triperfect number.

For other bases

  1. In binary, 120 is 1111000.
  2. In ternary, 120 is 11110.
  3. In quaternary, 120 is 1320.
  4. In quinary, 120 is 440.
  5. In seximal, 120 is 320.
  6. In septimal, 120 is 231.
  7. In octal, 120 is 170.
  8. In nonary, 120 is 143.
  9. In decimal, 120.
  10. In elevenary, 120 is AA.
  11. In dozenal, 120 is A0.
  12. In baker's dozenal, 120 is 93.
  13. In biseptimal, 120 is 88.
  14. In triquinary, 120 is 80.
  15. In hex, 120 is 78.
  16. In suboptimal, 120 is 71.
  17. In triseximal, 120 is 6C.
  18. In untriseximal, 120 is 66.
  19. In vigesimal, 120 is 60.
  20. In base heptasuboptimal, 120 is 11.
  21. In base decadozenal, 120 is 10.

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