Summary about n.
The prime factorization of 120 is 2^3, 3, and 5. In total, 120 has 16 factors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, and 120. Since this is more factors than any previous number, 120 is a highly composite number. All the factors including 120 add up to 360, which is 3*120, making it a triperfect number.
For other bases
- In binary, 120 is 1111000.
- In ternary, 120 is 11110.
- In quaternary, 120 is 1320.
- In quinary, 120 is 440.
- In seximal, 120 is 320.
- In septimal, 120 is 231.
- In octal, 120 is 170.
- In nonary, 120 is 143.
- In decimal, 120.
- In elevenary, 120 is AA.
- In dozenal, 120 is A0.
- In baker's dozenal, 120 is 93.
- In biseptimal, 120 is 88.
- In triquinary, 120 is 80.
- In hex, 120 is 78.
- In suboptimal, 120 is 71.
- In triseximal, 120 is 6C.
- In untriseximal, 120 is 66.
- In vigesimal, 120 is 60.
- In base heptasuboptimal, 120 is 11.
- In base decadozenal, 120 is 10.
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