A friend's favorite number.
17 is prime. 2^17-1 = 131071, which is prime, therefore (2^17-1)(2^16) = 8,589,869,056, which is a perfect number.
For other bases
- In binary, 17 is 10001, a palindrome!
- In ternary, 17 is 122.
- In quaternary, 17 is 101, another palindrome!
- In quinary, 17 is 32.
- In seximal, 17 is 25.
- In septimal, 17 is 23.
- In octal, 17 is 21.
- In nonary, 17 is 18.
- In decimal, 17.
- In elevenary, 17 is 16.
- In dozenal, 17 is 15.
- In baker's dozenal, 17 is 14.
- In biseptimal, 17 is 13.
- In triquinary, 17 is 12.
- In hex, 17 is 11.
- In suboptimal, 17 is 10.
- In negabinary, 17 is 10001, just like binary,
and -17 is 110011.
- In negaternary, 17 is 212
and -17 is 1101.
- In negaquaternary, 17 is 101, just like quaternary,
and -17 is 1313.
- In negaquinary, 17 is 122
and -17 is 43.
- In negaseximal, 17 is 145
and -17 is 31.
- In negaseptimal, 17 is 153
and -17 is 34.
- In negoctal, 17 is 161
and -17 is 37.
- In neganonary, 17 is 188
and -17 is 21.
- In negadecimal, 17 is 197
and -17 is 23.
- In negelevenary, 17 is 1X6
and -17 is 25.
- In negadozenal, 17 is 1E5
and -17 is 27.
- In negabaker's dozenal, 17 is 1Z4
and -17 is 29.
- In negabiseptimal, 17 is 1D3
and -17 is 2B.
- In negatriquinary, 17 is 1E2
and -17 is 2D.
- In negahex, 17 is 1F1
and -17 is 2F.
- In negasuboptimal, 17 is 1G0
and -17 is 10.
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