Six Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Six
6356 is a number between three and four orders of magnitude.
The prime factorization of 6356 = 2*2*7*227. Interestingly, 227 is comprised of the digits of the previous primes. In total, the factors of 6356 are: 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 28, 227, 454, 908, 1589, 3178, and 6356 itself. Because 28 is a perfect number, that makes 6356 semiperfect.
For other bases
- In binary, 6356 is 0001100011010100.
- In ternary, 6356 is 22201102.
- In quaternary, 6356 is 1203110.
- In quinary, 6356 is 200411.
- In seximal, 6356 is 45232.
- In octal, 6356 is 14324.
- In nonary, 6356 is 8642.
- In decimal, 6356.
- In dozenal, 6356 is 3818.
- In hex, 6356 is 18D4
- In triseximal, 6356 is 11B2.
- In untriseximal, 6356 is HBA.
- In vigesimal, 6356 is FHG.
- In niftimal, 6356 is 4WK.
- In sexagesimal, 6356 is 1:45:56.
- In octogesimal, 6356 is 79:36.
- In decadozenal, 6356 is 52:116.
- The name for base-6356 is tetraheptunbinheptahex (TPBP).
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