Six Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Six

6356 is a number between three and four orders of magnitude.


The prime factorization of 6356 = 2*2*7*227. Interestingly, 227 is comprised of the digits of the previous primes. In total, the factors of 6356 are: 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 28, 227, 454, 908, 1589, 3178, and 6356 itself. Because 28 is a perfect number, that makes 6356 semiperfect.

For other bases

  1. In binary, 6356 is 0001100011010100.
  2. In ternary, 6356 is 22201102.
  3. In quaternary, 6356 is 1203110.
  4. In quinary, 6356 is 200411.
  5. In seximal, 6356 is 45232.
  6. In octal, 6356 is 14324.
  7. In nonary, 6356 is 8642.
  8. In decimal, 6356.
  9. In dozenal, 6356 is 3818.
  10. In hex, 6356 is 18D4
  11. In triseximal, 6356 is 11B2.
  12. In untriseximal, 6356 is HBA.
  13. In vigesimal, 6356 is FHG.
  14. In niftimal, 6356 is 4WK.
  15. In sexagesimal, 6356 is 1:45:56.
  16. In octogesimal, 6356 is 79:36.
  17. In decadozenal, 6356 is 52:116.
  18. The name for base-6356 is tetraheptunbinheptahex (TPBP).

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